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May we ask the Lord each day for a way to shine as the stars, roar as the waves and be silent as the mountains - so that in everything He may receive all the glory unto eternity.
I am someone saved by the grace of Jesus Christ, and only because of Gods love for me am I able to live lovingly and full of joy. I am a passionate trail runner - passion meaning: the willingness to suffer for something you love - and by the Grace of God I have come to know about and their #4THEM initiative. Opendoors is a non-profit organisation working for the lives of Christians in countries where followers of Christ does not have the freedom to do so and often pays a terrible price for their faith in Jesus (Please go and learn more about the organisation and the persecution that many many Christians must face today.). God used the 4THEM initiative to change the reason why I run as well as my perspective on life. In short I was taught that your inner most important reason for doing something should be based on loving God and loving His people (that includes yourself) and that only then, when your heart is empty of everything except God and that which God has placed there, can you live your most grand life (however not in earthly standards, but God's standards which surpasses anything that you could dream of on your own).
The essays that I will post on this blog are written by my hand but I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide and help me, because alone I am not capable of writing anything that is of any importance or benefit to you the reader. Alone, I cannot write truth and alone my words will be of less value than weeds and thorns in a grass field - but a nuisance. All of the words and sentences of the blog posts will be prayed for and revisited, and even then the things that I may post is not guaranteed to be as God intended His word to be interpreted. I Hope that you will read and receive this with an open mind and allow God to speak truth through these words. Further I pray that you will make the time to become still so that you can hear God's voice and not my words, and to pray in thankfulness, for you may know God, own a Bible, worship Him freely and above all was once a sinner, but God loved you anyhow and loved you so much that He gave His life so that a broken world can share eternal life with Him.
— Eric Liddel
"If you commit yourself to the love of Christ, then that is how you run a straight race."
How can you contribute?
Pray for the persecuted church.
Pray that you will allow God to work in your Heart.
Pray for your enemies.
Be thankful and be sincere in your prayers.
Support organisations such as Opendoors.
Share this blog and or things that God has taught you.
Speak more and more openly to people about your faith.
Give if you can. Your time, money or energy.
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